Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection Assessment

The Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection Report is the best measure of how often a candidate demonstrates emotional intelligence in the workplace. The report enables hiring managers to utilize EI measures as an additional means to making the best possible hiring decisions.
Successful organizations are now integrating emotional intelligence into their talent management processes. From selecting and hiring new employees, to transitioning and development of existing team members, these organizations are preparing for the increasing demand in Emotional Intelligence skills in all positions and at all levels.
Published psychometric studies show higher scores on the Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection assessment meaningfully correlate with a number of important workplace variables. The higher people score on the Genos assessment, the higher they tend to also score on measures of:

Why Select for Emotional Intelligence?
With the Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection Report, organizations now have the ability to accurately measure a candidate’s capacity for demonstrating these requirements:
Strong interpersonal skills
Positive demeanor
Good under stress/pressure
Critical and agile thinking/problem-solving
Expansive decision-making and creating buy-in
Excellent communication skills
Inspirational leadership style

How does the Genos Selection Report work?

Candidates complete The Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection assessment online. The average time to complete the assessment is 15-20 minutes; candidates have 30 minutes to complete.

Upon completion, results are immediately available for the for the organization and include both results of the assessment and an actionable Interview Guide. EI Competency-specific, behaviorally-oriented interview questions are included.
Good to Know

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How to use Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessments and Development Programs

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